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When you sign up with us, not only will you save money on your power and gas, but we'll also offer you some exclusive member-only rewards!

Reward 1:

Know of someone that could use our services? We offer an excellent referral program. We can offer our customers a $100 credit for all successful referrals.

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EV Charging discounts: Manage My Bills customers and their staff can get a 5% discount on already discounted EV Charging rates from KiwEv.

Reward 2:

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Exclusively discounted 2 Degrees Business Mobile and Broadband rates for Manage My Bills customers.

Reward 3:


Special discounted home energy rates from Genesis Energy for Manage My Bills customers and staff members. This can be used as a staff benefit if you have staff.

Reward 4:

Looking to save money on your bills?

Our support team is here to help you find the right solution for your business needs.

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